OMG! Where do I even start? 😂😂
I wanted to buy this product and was waiting for my pay to buy it, but it went out of stock by then, so I contacted the sellers directly cause I was afraid they wouldn't be back on stock.
And oh boy should I tell you, they were the most sweetest of all!
I love the way they made me feel special and assured me about having the product back on stock shortly.
They did inform me personally as soon as the products were back! Which is so damn sweet.
So much about the service itself, and the product is honestly MARVELOUS in my opinion!
So soft and smooth and super duper comfortable!
It really does make a lot of difference.
I wanted to post a review right as I got it, but I felt like I should use it for a while before posting about it.
I've used it for about two weeks now and boy oh boy the difference it's made to my skin and hair is shocking!
I didn't know making one small change would have such a big impact.
I've got naturally curly hair and I wasn't satisfied with the previous pillow covers I had been using cause it used to get my hair frizzy, totally tangle up, drain out all the moisture in my hair, and it would get very flattened. In total my curly hair would be ruined. So two weeks into using the coolbeds Satin pillowcase, I've been having an amazing time with my hair and skin.
I can see the effects of using skin products at night much better now, cause earlier it would get soaked into the pillow cover directly, but with this pillow case, I'm able to sleep comfortably and honestly I'm overjoyed.
If any of you want to get a satin pillow case and aren't sure of which brand to go for.
They are the best! And brooo! The scrunchies! They the most cutest too! Satin scrunchies to put your hair together along with the satin pillowcase is like treating your skin and hair like a Queen! You are gonna have a glow up like never before.
I love the product and service so much that I've already recommended it to all my relatives and friends!
More orders coming up soon! You should really get them too! Trust me, just close your eyes and buy it, it's worth it all!